And because I had to drag Lastborn along anyway, I had him try things on too. Both boys did well, only rolling their eyes a little when I made them try everything on. So, when we were done, I called DH and asked if he could meet us for lunch. The strip mall we were at was not far from the base.
We entered a very packed food court and the first stall we approached was giving samples of chicken teriaki. I allowed the boys to have some and Lastborn was in heaven. He even said so. The staff at the shop was so pleased with his response that they offered him more samples and more samples. So of course, we had to buy our meal there. Lastborn was happy with that conclusion, Firstborn warned that "if they had to try that hard, maybe they weren't so good. "
We sat down to an enjoyable lunch and bragged to DH about our purchases. DH suddenly noticed, and commented aloud, that the boys would be starting school in one week.
I did a little happy dance.
Lastborn stuck his lower lip out in a pout as tears came to his eyes, which then made him laugh because he knew he was being silly.
Firstborn told me I was being weird and everyone was looking at me.
I replied that all the other mothers totally know what I am doing and are inwardly doing the happy dance themselves.
To which Firstborn responded, "yes, INWARDLY."
Lastborn announced that he was going to live as a hobo because then he wouldn't have to go to school. He would live in the tree house during the week and come home on the weekends. And to get food, he would come to this mall and they would give him free samples of teriaki. He could live on teriaki. That would be a good life.
1 comment:
nice post.
loved that.
way you explained is amazing.
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