Wednesday, November 29, 2006


My friend, C, volunteers in Lastborn's classroom. Her son is also in the class. The other day, she said she passed Lastborn in the hall as the class was going to a special.

She waved to him, and he looked up at her with a big mischievous smile and said, "You have cooties!" and then passed by.

That's my son!

Toilet Humor

In a family of boys, there's bound to be some toilet humor. OK. A lot of toilet humor. I have not only come to accept this fact, but I have embraced it having learned at the knee of my father some of the best phrases and jokes to fit these situations.

So tonight when they were giggling over some bodily function, I could not help but tease them about boy humor.

Mom: I know exactly how to make both of you laugh.
Firstborn: How's that.
Mom: I just have to say but! or fart!
Lastborn: Or poop
Mom: That's right, or pee!
Firstborn: or pudding!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Things I never thought I would hear my kids say

This from 6 year old Lastborn:

Lastborn was sitting in Grandpa's livingroom with his cousins Thanksgiving weekend. Now cousin E is rather boy crazy and an expert in pop culture. We gave her a copy of Narnia for her belated (very) birthday present. This happens to be one of Lastborn's favorite movies as well.

Of course Cousin E was telling all the kids assembled about who played what role, what their favorite foods were, where they went to school and which one was "hot."
All of this commentary going on throughout the movie.

I was setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner when I heard from mouth of my 6 year old son. "Scander is so NOT hot!"

No. I'm not worried that my son is rating the hotness of a male child star.
No. I don't think he really knows what hot means.
Yes. I do believe my 6 year old son has already learned how to press the buttons of his 12 year old cousin.
Yes. I am proud.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

New feature

Each week, Firstborn must turn 15 of his spelling words into an 8 sentence paragraph. Given the same assignment, I would probably slog through with some unimaginative drivel. Given the same rules, Firstborn has shown great imagination and humor. The best part is that most of his themes use a family member. Unfortunately, not thinking ahead, I threw out the ones about Grandpa the fastest runner and my very funny uncle Lindsay. I promise, I will share all future themes with the blog. Some are not great, but others leave DH and I crying with the humor. Let's hope that now that I've started this quagmire, he will supply me with more fun ones. I won't tell him, so he won't feel any artificial pressure.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named snow black. On a flight of stairs she found eight pence. She was hungry. So she went to the market to buy some gum. Then, to her surprise, she found seven hungry dwarves. So she decided to buy some gum for them, too. Then she took the seven dwarves home. Then she went to bed herself. The end.

That was his first. Since then, he has had to work on capitalization and punctuation more. Exactly 8 sentences. And thought I don't remember what the words of the week were, exactly 15 spelling words. They do get better.

More tales from the mini-van

Lastborn: I know what I want my birthday party to be.
Mom: What?
Lastborn: A disco party!
Mom: A disco party? Do you know what disco is?
Lastborn: yah. I do!
Mom: So, What's disco.
Lastborn: It's when they have all the lights.
Mom: You mean like the mirrored ball reflecting lights all over the dancers?
Lastborn: yah! And then I get to do this...
He holds his index finger out, crosses his arm over his chest and then uncrosses his arm and points his finger out to the side staying alive style.
Mom: This means you will have to have puffy hair and a leisure suit.
Lastborn: yah! He says laughing.
Mom: Do you know what a leisure suite is?
Lastborn: No.

Hmm. Something about this disco party sounds fun. It would surely be the talk of the first grade.
