Monday, November 27, 2006

Things I never thought I would hear my kids say

This from 6 year old Lastborn:

Lastborn was sitting in Grandpa's livingroom with his cousins Thanksgiving weekend. Now cousin E is rather boy crazy and an expert in pop culture. We gave her a copy of Narnia for her belated (very) birthday present. This happens to be one of Lastborn's favorite movies as well.

Of course Cousin E was telling all the kids assembled about who played what role, what their favorite foods were, where they went to school and which one was "hot."
All of this commentary going on throughout the movie.

I was setting the table for Thanksgiving dinner when I heard from mouth of my 6 year old son. "Scander is so NOT hot!"

No. I'm not worried that my son is rating the hotness of a male child star.
No. I don't think he really knows what hot means.
Yes. I do believe my 6 year old son has already learned how to press the buttons of his 12 year old cousin.
Yes. I am proud.

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