Sunday, November 12, 2006

More tales from the mini-van

Lastborn: I know what I want my birthday party to be.
Mom: What?
Lastborn: A disco party!
Mom: A disco party? Do you know what disco is?
Lastborn: yah. I do!
Mom: So, What's disco.
Lastborn: It's when they have all the lights.
Mom: You mean like the mirrored ball reflecting lights all over the dancers?
Lastborn: yah! And then I get to do this...
He holds his index finger out, crosses his arm over his chest and then uncrosses his arm and points his finger out to the side staying alive style.
Mom: This means you will have to have puffy hair and a leisure suit.
Lastborn: yah! He says laughing.
Mom: Do you know what a leisure suite is?
Lastborn: No.

Hmm. Something about this disco party sounds fun. It would surely be the talk of the first grade.


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