Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Similarities between Nova and Lastborn

Two weeks ago, I was very worried that we would ever be able to take Nova in a car. She hates the car. She had little exposure and at least half of those exposures were bad experiences. Going to the vet, leaving her mother. But there was more. I discovered when I was taking her to the vet the last time, that her carrier was not too stable. It was also a bit small for her. So as I watched her carrier roll over on it's top through my rear view mirror, I resolved that we would have to get a new, larger carrier for her.

So I went to PetSmart and got this one:

You are right. That is not Nova in there, but Lastborn. I knew as soon as I set the thing up and enticed the dog into it that it would be the perfect place for Lastborn. And sure enough as soon as he saw it, he wanted to get in. Firstborn was only too happy to lock the door for him.

But the puppy like qualities don't stop there! No, indeed. Last night, I came up with this list of similarities and differences in personality (scroll down. for some reason Blogger doesn't like tables):

Personality TraitNovaLastborn
Runs, never walks between rooms.xx
Makes turns, by slamming into wall.xx
Often slides when reaching a hard surface floor.xx
When tired, acts hyperactive, often running between rooms.xx
Needs a cage to calm down.xx
Never stops.xx
Leaves crumbs when eating.xNever. But loves that Lastborn does
Likes to cuddle.xx
When sharing a bed, often takes over the whole thing. xx

1 comment:

Rachel said...

How many times have I wished I could "kennel up" the boys and go grocery shopping in peace??