Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Mario Bros. Boogie.

I've wanted to get Dance Dance Revolution for the kids since we bought them the GameCube a year and a half ago. But it is expensive and DH was convinced that the kids would never use it. The kids were pretty convinced too.

However, report cards came in. They both did relatively well. Lastborn made honor roll and Firstborn would have but for some social pressures that led to some less-than-perfect behavior. However, Firstborn came in second on most-pages-read for the year. Second wouldn't mean much if we wern't so convinced that the kid who came in first cheated.

Yes, he's been turning in his book forms on the last possible day for the last three semesters (Hmm. Are we waiting to see how much firstborn reads before we make up our number?). And this semester, he surpassed Firstborn by only 20 pages . Twenty pages turned in at the last minute. He confessed to Firstborn that he couldn't really tell which books he had read. He reads so many, you know. He has a hard time remembering which ones he has finished. Right. Shady character at 10 years old.

So to celebrate Firstborn's great reading, I purchased the DDR pad and ordered the discontinued DDR Mario Edition from a neighboring store that had it in stock. We had to wait until Tuesday night (3 days!) for it to come in.

Last night, I had Lastborn try it out. He was very reluctant and made me do the dances. Now there's a laugh. But I enjoyed the bit of a workout.

Eventually, Lastborn was addicted and trying every song.

Unfortunately, his little legs are easily tired by the task. It's a bit of a stretch between dance pad buttons. Before long, he was sitting in the middle of the pad smacking the buttons with his hand.

I think the point of the purchase was to get him up and exercising.

Rules are simply guidelines.

Firstborn and next-door boy also played for a while last night. The game is a hit.

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