Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I'm a chump

Yesterday, after school, I drove the kids past my new place of business. I wanted them to see how close it was to their school as I will be picking them up every day instead of having them take the bus and I want them to realize that this is a logical move not just some arbitrary mean mommy thing.

After we drove past, this conversation ensued:
Mommy: That's where I will be working next month. Isn't it close to school?
Lastborn: You're going to work?
Mommy: Ya. Won't that be fun?
Lastborn: Work is for chumps!

OK. I knew immediately that this must be from a Spongebob episode though I don't remember offhand which one. But still, there was a shock factor having it come from Lastborn's mouth. And somehow, it seems fitting that Lastborn would remember and repeat this phrase. Let's hope this isn't some foreshadowing of his life.

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