Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Yesterday, Lastborn was home from school with a mild stomach bug. Firstborn needed me to bring him into school to sign a permission slip he had forgotten to bring home.

DH could not stay with Lastborn because he had a 9:00 meeting. So, I had to drag Lastborn with me to the middle school.

On our walk from the car to the school entrance we passed a piece of plywood obviously covering a freshly dug hole. The plywood was labelled Hole in red spraypaint. This label must have been placed there for the 8 year old who would be passing by because said 8 year old did not fail to notice the hole and almost moved the plywood and climbed in had I not been aware enough to yell "Leave it!" at him.

Yes, I am yelling dog commands at my son. And yes, he responds quite well; better than the dog sometimes. It's OK. We're stashing away a buck here-or-there to pay for his eventual visits with the shrink.

1 comment:

Snarky Mom Reads said...

LOL! Wow - a whole buck! We're only sportin' a quarter for each transgression... ::wink:: By the way - when we got Hannah & the dog trainer visited us, he told me I had to STOP using the same sounds to get the dog's attention versus the twins' attentions. Oops - I still do it! No wonder NO ONE listens to me!! Sure hope that Lastborn is feeling better today & that no one else in the family succumbs... and that the big Turkey Day is fun :) !!