Monday, July 28, 2008

Doggie communications

A major milestone in puppy development is the development of a clear signal that the puppy needs to go out. In most areas, Nova is a very clear communicator. She's happy, she wiggles. She's afraid, she cowers. She doesn't want to lay down for you, she gives you her paw; very clear.

Potty, not so much.

As a result, she seems to have us housebroken. That is, we take her out on a set schedule and rarely wanders from that. However, I think we have narrowed down on a signal, however subtle it may be. She walks up to me and sits and then stares at me with a deep, soulful, searching look, as if she is trying to telepathically tell me her bladder is full.

Of course, there is a wrinkle in this whole plan. She is in love with the neighbors. They spoil her rotten. They also serve wonderful wine whenever Nova wanders by their house, and let's not forget that they are very nice, fun people as well. So, It's not a problem for me that she wants to go over there every time she goes out and hears them on their porch.

The only problem is that she spends the entire evening sitting in front of me telepathically telling me she needs to go out; every night. If I don't respond, she whines. Which of course worries me because she's only 4 months. So I take her out and she immediately heads next door. Tricked again!

The other night, said neighbors were out of town for a wedding. It was a rough night until we went to bed and it was clear to her there would be no partying that night.

When she doesn't have to go out, this is a more common expression.

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