Friday, March 02, 2007

What's in Ohio

For months now, when I mention to someone the upcoming move to Ohio, the response always seems to be an incredulous cry of "but what's in Ohio?"

Yes, it's true that people on the East coast seem to think the world is flat and all falls off the edge on the other side of the eastern mountain ranges. Somehow, across this vast abyss of the central US lies California and maybe the coffee houses of Seattle. But other than that, it's just a great empty pit.

In the past, my response has always been "corn."

To me, that about sums it up. I have no experience in the flatlands. I've been as close as the western faces of the Alleghenies, and across the Abyss to California, but the heartland is still a mystery to me with only my father's childhood stories of the storms visible from miles away across the flat expanse to fill in the blanks. That and various stories of the dust bowl that do nothing to build the romantic image of the flatlands.

But now, after watching HGTV, I have hope. There is something in Ohio besides corn (to which I and my youngest son have an allergy). And no, I'm not talking about the giant basket thought I'm sure it's quite breathtaking. I'm not talking about the huge amusement park in northern Ohio either. It's duct tape! That's right. Duct tape. In Avon Ohio, the duct tape capital of the world.

So now, when someone asks "what's in Ohio?" I can respond confidently,

"Duct tape!"

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