Monday, August 28, 2006

Our trip home

Saturday came and we packed up the cabin for the trip home. Although we slept until 7:30, we were still able to get ourselves on the road by 8:30.

We first stopped in Altoona to visit our friends. We sent the boys out to the back yard for some much-needed running time while we chatted and D cooked breakfast. Two Amish men showed up at their house because D was treating one for back problems. A and DH and I stayed in the kitchen out of their way. Unfortunately, the rugrats got bored and decided to join us in the house. We shooed them to the kitchen and asked them to behave while D worked with the Amish man. Lastborn being Lastborn, just couldn't do that though. He seems to have this need to blurt out nasty things when he is nervous. On noticing that there were two men, in strange clothing with strange haircuts, he stepped into the dining room and shouted into the living room, "Who are those guys?"

He's such a charmer.

We hit the road much later than we wanted to because it was so nice to spend time with A and D. The boys behaved very well for the most part. 10 hours is a gruelling drive for a 9 year old and a 6 year old. Firstborn told Lastborn Poke-mon stories and they watched a video of Pirates of the Caribbean. They played nicely with Lastborn's stuffed dolphin Kyoger. The funniest thing was when Lastborn announced to his dolphin. I'm your human Daddy, but you need a human mommy. I'll marry a supermodel. Seems he's noticed on TV that men dream of marrying a supermodel. It's amazing how early these messages are being instilled into their little brains. A little conversation after this led him to admit that Mommy must have been a supermodel when Daddy met her.

We made it home by 9PM put the rugrats to bed and started laundry.

The cat was very happy to make it home.

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