Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Air conditioners and cold spells

So this past week, we had a heat wave. Not just any heat wave. This one came complete with 99.9999999% humidity. I ran my mother's group annual yard sale fundraiser this weekend and we all almost died. No one has peed in the northeast in days because we are all sweating too much.

So when I got home after said yard sale on Saturday, I begged and pleaded with DH to install the air conditioner. Frankly, I don't think anyone wants to be around either me or my children in this type of weather. So that was probably incentive enough.

DH warned me that if he put in the air conditioners we would get a cool spell. After 7 days of heat and humidity in mid June, it's hard to imagine what cold would be.

But now I know. Because today, it got up to 75! I need to run upstairs and put on some long pants now....

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